Monday, April 9, 2007

Much Ado About Nothing

The t.v. stations had us all in a tizzy. With tales of no peach crops etc. But in Central Alabama
even though the temperatures were low, it was not enoough to cause much harm. It's very cool
today, but in two days , unfortunatelyl the temperatures will be in the eighies ago. Not only
are plants confused, so are the animals. The snakes were sunny on rocks last week. while this
week , they were no were to be founds, thank God. Blanche, my little lap dog was shivering this
morning. Guess everyone heard of the bad news coming out of the world conference on global warming. Did you hear about the Supreme Court telling the EPA to get tougher.
The other day I read in some blog someone's opinions on the mega flower shows versus the small ones. He ended his posts asking people if the Philadelphia Flower Show was still No. 1.
and was it as good as it use to be. I only saw it in 1981 and it was great.

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