Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Grasses and Antique Roses, some tough plants

We are hopefully over drought conditions. I noticed that antique roses and grasses
seem to be among the toughest plants. Many of my plants seemed like they weren't
going to make it, even though I was providing them with plenty of water.
The roses I find to be so tough were Moonlight, The Fairy, Seven Sisters, Sombrueil,
Souvenir de Malmaison, and others. I particularly like the

Sombreuil is a white climbing tea rose with great smell, and Souvenir de la Malmaison is a pink fragrant bourbon. Souvenir de la Malmaison can
be acquired in both shrub and climbing form. Both roses are repeat bloomers.

A favorite grass of mine is

( Miscanthus sinensis zebrina). There are
many great cultivars of Miscanthus such as Autumn Light, Gracillimus, Sarabande,
and Strictus.

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