Friday, March 7, 2008

Bipolar Gardeners out there?

Yesterday I had to go to Mobile for a physical. After I had driven about 100 miles
southwest, I got to the point where the redbuds were abloom. It was a great day in
Mobile, and I was able to get home before the rains.

Every time I think spring has sprung, the fates prove me wrong. Of course we have
had freezes even in April. But so many camellia blossoms, and many other plant
blossoms will be zapped. For it is suppose to rain again this afternoon, and
tommorrow will be cold. Early Sunday Morning it is suppose to get down to 28 degrees.

Today I was doing research on bipolar disorder, and found more funny articles by
akeejaho. I thought there were no gardeners who were bipolar. At last I've found one
with a brilliant sense of humor, into finding natural foods and such to manage his
brain chemistry, responsible for mood swings.

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