Here in zone 8 most high spring plants have finished blooming , except for George Tabor Azaleas , Lady Banks Roses, and Kwanzan Cherries. Last year my Chinese snowball and Palibin
Lilac failed to bloom because of late frost. This year they are in their prime and it's suppose
to freeze. Some many roses have started blooming, American Legion poppies, bachelor's
buttons, and much more. Tonight it looks like they are doomed because of freezing weather.
This is bad, but much worse is the peach crop for 07 in Alabama. Chilton County is famous
for its peaches, the farmers are on pins and needles.
I guess the Yoshino cherries in Washington will get it to. They were so pretty this year in
central Alabama. Dang crazy weather. It seems to get stranger each year.
Scientists give dire predictions at global warming seminar in Brussels. The poor it seems
will be the most vulnerable.